
Evan Rachel Wood is going to cover up her tattoo

Who says someone who was once crazy is always crazy? Evan Rachel Wood, aka Marilyn Manson’s girlfriend/[I had a bunch of really specific, filthy names to stick here, but I thought better of it] has decided to get her weird, completely indecipherable tattoo repaired. Why would she do this, you ask? Doesn’t Marilyn Manson encourage unnecessarily weird things? Why yes he does, but apparently even he can’t stop Evan Rachel Wood from fixing a bunch of leaves that appear to look like a ferret. I bet Manson totally gets off on that.

evanrachelwoodtattoo.jpg“Evan Rachel Wood says she enjoyed filming ‘Across the Universe’ so much, she had a tattoo inked in tribute to the Beatles-themed musical romance. Now the 20-year-old actress plans to get the tattoo covered up ‘because nobody can figure out what it is,’ she tells People magazine in its Oct. 8 issue.

“‘It’s supposed to be a strawberry with leaves in the shape of a bird, but everybody says, `Is that a ferret sticking out of an apple?'”

[From the Associated Press]

Yeah, ferrets and apples are just totally stupid, bizarre, and flat out un-sexy. Now Marilyn Manson’s skeleton of a little Chinese boy is totally normal though. I find it unusual that she’s drawn the line where she has, but whatever. And what about Wood’s other tattoos, you ask?

“Wood says she has three tattoos. Her favorite is the one she received on Valentine’s Day from her boyfriend, 38-year-old goth rocker Marilyn Manson.

“‘It’s a lightning bolt – for David Bowie, who inspired me to act and sing – and a black heart,’ she says. ‘That was my present (from Manson). Somebody came to the house. We both got black hearts. It represents mad love.’

“Wood says her parents aren’t OK with the tattoos.

“‘It took me a while to tell my mom about this last one,’ she says. ‘But she’s cool with it now. I even told her I was getting the Beatles one covered up. She’s like, `Great, just call me when you’re done.'”

[From the Associated Press]

That last part really leaves you wondering… how exactly does one introduce a nearly-twice-your-age Marilyn Manson to your parents? “Mom, this is Marilyn, Marilyn, this is my mom Marilyn.” That’d make me happy if Evan Rachel Wood’s mom’s name really was Marilyn. I don’t want to sound like a fussy old grandma… but I’m close enough already, so I’ll just say that Marilyn Manson is so gross. If my daughter brought him home, I would have a bounty on his fake white pasty face before he even took off his coat. Alright grandma’s done. For now.

Picture note by Celebitchy: Evan Rachel Wood is shown on 9/10/07 at the Toronto Film Festival, thanks to PRPhotos. Picture of Wood’s tattoo is from EvanRachelWood.info.


Sherie Connelly

Update: 2024-06-14