
Genshin Impact Luxurious Chest guide

The "connect to the pilot cabin power system" step in Genshin Impact's Vimana Agama: Jazari's Chapter includes a Luxurious Chest that some players might miss. This whole puzzle is functionally quite similar to the "How to connect all four relays in the middle" step from earlier in the quest.

Ergo, Travelers need to figure out the ideal order in which they can draw crystals from relays and place them elsewhere. Readers can take solace in knowing that this process should be quicker than the aforementioned four relay steps, including the slight detour to get to the Luxurious Chest.

How to connect to the pilot cabin power system in Genshin Impact and receive a free Luxurious Chest

This is where players should start (Image via HoYoverse)

Genshin Impact players should go to the top floor and head southwest to the relay shown above. Approach the relay and make sure to use the "Draw" option to remove a crystal from it. The next step is actually quite close to this one, so Genshin Impact players should head westward.

Place the newly acquired Crystal here (Image via HoYoverse)

West of the relay is a little gate with some strange markings on it. There is an option to "Place" a crystal there, so do that and collect the second crystal behind that gate. After doing so, make sure to pick up the recently placed crystal used in opening the gate since it will be useful later on in this quest.

You should already be near this relay (Image via HoYoverse)

Place one of the crystals in the nearby relay and then head towards the eastern relay. Genshin Impact players should have one crystal flying around them for the upcoming step.

This is southeast of the eastern relay (Image via HoYoverse)

This step isn't required for the "connect to the pilot cabin power system" step. However, it will give players a free Luxurious Chest. To get that Luxurious Chest, head to the eastern relay and open up the gate that's slightly south of it by placing a crystal in it like in the above image.

Open the Luxurious Chest for some free loot (Image via HoYoverse)

The Luxurious Chest is in the rubble. Simply approaching it will give players a "Luxurious Chest" option. Selecting that will open it and give them free loot inside, including 10 Primogems.

Make sure to go outside and take out the crystal to open this gate. There is only one step left with this Genshin Impact puzzle.

Place the crystal in the nearby relay to finish this puzzle (Image via HoYoverse)

Placing the crystal here will finish the puzzle. The next step is to "Enter the pilot cabin," which is done just by touching the elevator on the top floor. Once the player is inside, they will see an option to activate the Ruin Golem.

All Genshin Impact players have to do then is make three random attacks. Doing so will trigger a cutscene, and they will then be told to talk to Jazari again. There will be some quick dialogue, and then Travelers will finally be done with Vimana Agama: Jazari's Chapter.

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Valeria Galgano

Update: 2024-06-13